I appreciate you are dunking on DB Kelley's weak bio here, but his book is actually pretty interesting and includes references to Margolis's symbiogenesis. I think the presentational flaw is in describing this as "universal darwinism/selection" when it's better seen as an update for Teilhard's "universal evolution" idea.

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I mean Kelly's flaw, not yours by the way! I have lots of issues with those bringing unadapted darwinism and natural selection theories outside of the biological scope because they are incomplete analyses at the biological level (as you show here) and a category error when used at other levels (ideas as mind viruses, for example, or galaxies being "in competition" for energy). We should absolutely question the mindsets that bring out certain scientific trains of thought.

I've gone hard into the physics realm with my evolution reading. If you read some reviews of Chaisson's Cosmic Evolution and Smolin's Cosmological natural selection then that will give you a view of that side of things.

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Thanks for the recommendations! I'll check them out- and hard agree on the incompleteness of competition theory- cooperation is such a major, untracked, and likely superior pattern.

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Thanks for setting me straight- I'll check out his book- any other recommendations for reading?

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