it may not be original, but this isn't a topic I've read much on, unless you count some texts on Nazism, Hans Asperger, and eugenics (I say those were texts about the very explicit "the group is more important than any individual" messaging.)

" Individual identity and sense of self are staked on those values and on belonging to the larger group." I'm going to chew on all of this for awhile (and read some of the links) but especially this line. I often lament feeling like I never belong to any particular group, even when I try and join them, and the last time I was complaining my husband said to me "you don't want to belong to a group. You hate being part of a group. Every time you join one you're miserable and then deliberately flout all their norms." which I think is a BIT harsh. I don't go out of my way to flout norms, I just also don't go out of my way to keep them. Anyway, I have this gut feeling that reading more about the theory you've presented here may help me to understand my conflicting reactions to the idea of Belonging, as well as to understand better why other people seem to react to group belonging in a way that often seems inexplicable to me.

Anyway, thank you for introducing me to this concept. I love when people smarter than me write about concepts I don't know about. It's a fun puzzle to see if I can eventually understand what they're talking about.

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